Leading manufacturer of private label compression socks


Sede Sanyleg
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Sala macchine di tessitura circolari Sanyleg
the company


We distinguish ourselves as a world leader in the production of medical and sports socks that are based on the principle of graduated compression. We have expanded our scope of production by introducing a wide range of sportswear, always maintaining high quality standards. Our dedication to perfection is reflected in the use of first-rate yarns, the adoption of state-of-the-art machinery and technology, and above all, our experience in the field of graduated compression stockings.
knitting machines
Production capacity of
pairs of socks per day


We distinguish ourselves as a world leader in the production of medical and sports socks that are based on the principle of graduated compression. We have expanded our scope of production by introducing a wide range of sportswear, always maintaining high quality standards. Our dedication to perfection is reflected in the use of first-rate yarns, the adoption of state-of-the-art machinery and technology, and above all, our experience in the field of graduated compression stockings.
knitting machines
Production capacity of
pairs of socks per day
The ultimate compression sports socks

Graduated compression sports socks

Designed specifically for the sports industry, Sanyleg’s compression sports socks offer scientifically proven elastocompression technology, a seamless design and innovative high-quality yarns. By stimulating blood circulation and improving muscle oxygenation, compression helps keep athletes at the best of their abilities.Thanks to the special technical fabric that promotes heat exchange, Sanyleg sports socks also contribute to the reduction of muscle fatigue symptoms and faster recovery. This can help optimize athletes’ performance, increasing their energy and reducing the likelihood of muscle injury caused by vibration during sports activity.
The ultimate compression sports socks

Graduated compression sports socks

Designed specifically for the sports industry, Sanyleg’s compression sports socks offer scientifically proven elastocompression technology, a seamless design and innovative high-quality yarns. By stimulating blood circulation and improving muscle oxygenation, compression helps keep athletes at the best of their abilities. Thanks to the special technical fabric that promotes heat exchange, Sanyleg sports socks also contribute to the reduction of muscle fatigue symptoms and faster recovery. This can help optimize athletes’ performance, increasing their energy and reducing the likelihood of muscle injury caused by vibration during sports activity.


At Sanyleg, we are aware of the importance of preserving the environment and contributing to the well-being of the community in which we operate. For this reason, we integrate environmentally sustainable practices into every aspect of our business, from the responsible selection of materials to the downsizing of our production processes.


At Sanyleg, we are aware of the importance of preserving the environment and contributing to the well-being of the community in which we operate. For this reason, we integrate environmentally sustainable practices into every aspect of our business, from the responsible selection of materials to the downsizing of our production processes.

The latest news

fantasia in maglia a costine Sanyleg

The compression classes of socks

Depending on the degree of maximum compression exerted (at the heel), you can subdivide socks into compression classes. The international